About Me
Meet Lauren
I started making wreaths in 2014, back when I was a single mom who wanted something to keep busy at night in the quiet hours after my daughter went to bed. I loved crafting for fun. But then friends and family saw my wreaths and were begging me to make one for their home. So I started a Facebook business page and an Etsy shop the same day and started making more. Annnnnd the little extra cash was nice.
In the beginning, I had zero clue what I was doing on Etsy. I treated it like Craigslist – you take a picture wherever you can (no editing), write up some information on it and post it. Done and done. Or so I thought. But only friends and family were purchasing. No one else was finding my shop on Etsy. So I started doing some research and testing in my own shop. I hired a few business coaches and really worked on my shop and marketing my business.
Over the past few years, I have figured out what works and what doesn’t on Etsy. I was an accountant for 20 years so I love numbers and the analytical side. So here’s some numbers on me:
I have almost 7,000 sales on Etsy
I’ve sold over 900 of the Etsy Seller eBooks I created
I have completed over 175 shop reviews for clients
I teach regularly to my group of 240+ members in an Etsy Coaching Group
I teach two courses on how to sell on Etsy
I’ve been asked to speak in countless Facebook groups as an Etsy expert and at many conventions/conferences
Now I’m sharing everything I’ve learned through a new extension of my business – Handmade Sellers University – where creatives just like you can learn how to open an Etsy shop and also how to optimize it and your entire business to get more views and sales.
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