That’s the complete opposite of what you should do!

Here’s why:

  • When you list an item it shows up in the “notifications” for anyone who has favorited your shop. List them all at once and they’ll only get a notification on one day. List them gradually and they’ll constantly be alerted! Putting your shop in front of customers regularly is key to getting sales.
  • It looks good to Etsy if you are consistent with your shop. So adding listings gradually shows them that you are relevant and always working on your shop
  • If you are first starting out you may want to list a few and get feedback on them first before you go listing a whole bunch in case your method needs some work. Then you don’t have to fix so many

So now you can’t use the “I don’t have inventory” as an excuse anymore!

You only need ONE item to open an Etsy shop. So now what are you waiting for??

Sign up for the waitlist for Etsy 101 here if you want step by step instructions to walk you through opening your shop.

We’ll be doing Round 2 later this Spring! –

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